Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

I was craving something sweet so I went to pinterest like normal.  I have had some trouble with pumpkin recipes before, I could never get them to come out the way I wanted so, for the most part I have avoided them. But this recipe sounded sooooo good. It's a super simple recipe. I did modify it to suit my needs a little bit. Here is the post I based mine on : Pumpkin Spice Muffins

So here is what you need:

1 Box yellow cake mix
1 Can Pumpkin pie mix
1/2 tsp cake spice ( optional )
1/2 Nutmeg
1/2 Cinnamon
1/4 brown sugar

350 degrees for 16 to 20 mins. Mine were done right at 16. I used an electric mixer because it does get a bit thick. Also you could dust with powdered sugar if you'd like.

So I didn't have pumpkin pie spice like the original calls for but since I used the pumpkin pie mix I figured I didn't need it. I put in the extra spices and brown sugar because I wanted a pretty strong taste. So go ahead and season to taste! Have fun these were very yummy my two year old loved them!!

Here they are!

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