Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Teaching Colors

     My son is showing  a lot of interest learning colors. He tries to name the color of everything. Right now most things are yellow according to him. I correct him gently and then he changes what he thinks too. I've been reading color books with him and he doesn't stay interested very long but he seems to be interested in computer things so I've decided to make him a slideshow with power point. This way he can learn colors and also to press the space bar to go to the next slide. When I have finished I will find a way to post it up here so maybe other people can use it for their kids. I will take off the title page that has our names on it and replace it with something else. It's a simple slide show but hopefully it will do the trick in capturing his attention and keeping it for long enough for him to learn the difference between colors. Have a great day!

Song of the day:

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